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“Наука в моём понимании — крошечная часть загадок мира, к которым человек аккуратно приближается. Но даже эта крошечная часть способна масштабно изменить жизни поколений людей, накладывая на человека большую ответственность как перед миром, так и перед природой”.
The problem about being late with elements of improvisation
To solve this problem, Simon needed 100 smartphones and a regular cart. Google failed to solve this problem. Let's see...
Читать статьюThe problem about music, algorithms and freedom
Damien and David write music. They dedicate all their time not only to composing melodies but also they try to...
Читать статьюA true Rock’n’Roller doesn’t need bells and whistles! And do you?
“We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the drugs, other the sex game,...
Читать статьюFinally Branded. SHE.
You will no longer be the same after you read this article: Because you will learn how to portray Tenderness...
Читать статьюA genius who gave life: «Happiness is a matter of technology»
Ilya Svirin —CEO of the Nordavind group of companies, who has made a revolution in healthcare and given the world...
Читать статьюNon-children’s fairy tales
….. If I were asked to tell you about myself, I would write a short story about how sometimes it...
Читать статьюECG Dongle. Your way to eternal life
Inhale – exhale. Speed. I am speed. One winner, forty-two losers. The race is on. Let's go. No distractions, no...
Читать статью7:20
“In stillen Nächten weint ein Mann weil er sich erinnern”Till Lindemann Immersion in memories always occurs suddenly, according to people’s...
Читать статьюHow students discovered a new way of stealing data using a regular keyboard
There once was a professor who enjoyed giving his students unusual tasks. Sometimes he would come to class and ask...
Читать статьюThings that can and do spy on you
The one that tops the list of things that could potentially spy on you is the crown of technological progress,...
Читать статьюHow to understand the humor of scientists so as not to screw it up. Weird science jokes with explanations
Many people are indifferent or disdainful of scientific humor. Science jokes seem incomprehensible because they often require special knowledge to...
Читать статьюHow not to be afraid of mathematics and what does music have to do with it
According to the problem, we have: – a regular class at school– a simple example written by the teacher on...
Читать статьюHow to become a DJ and not screw it up
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only. We strongly recommend...
Читать статьюHow to be rich and not screw it up: the wealthy person’s guide
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is purely educational in nature and categorically do...
Читать статьюFinancial dossiers on famous comic characters
What unites Scrooge McDuck, Mr. Burns from The Simpsons, Iron Man from the Marvel Universe, Batman and Tomb Raider, besides...
Читать статьюHow to invent a bicycle and not screw it up: tips and history
Instructions for those who dream of inventing a bicycle, but do not know where to start. Disclaimer. The editors of...
Читать статьюInventions that came out of love: from washing machines to Dyson
At all times, love has inspired poets, artists and musicians to create their best works, encouraged great warriors to perform...
Читать статьюHow to handle manipulators: Essential strategies for self-defense
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only and categorically do...
Читать статьюOde to pickup: The art of seduction in the age of technology
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only and strongly advise...
Читать статьюInterview with Gerda Ponzel: The journey of women in science
Exactly one year ago, in August 2023, a girl with an atypical name Gerda came up with the idea of...
Читать статьюOde to food: A journey through the kitchen with curious mice
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that the article is for informational purposes only and strongly advise...
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