Герда Понзель — Принцесса Науки
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Главный Редактор научно-популярного издания The Global Technology
- Мало говорит, много пишет
- Путешествует по разным измерениям
- Умеет телепортироваться в сны
- Знает ответы на все вопросы, но выдаёт их только в зашифрованном виде
“Всё это время вы изучали не науку. Вы изучали числа, законы и формулы.
Они, несомненно, играют важную роль, но являются лишь набором инструментов, которые подходят для конкретной двери. Наука одна для всех и она намного шире самого большого ящика с инструментами. Добро пожаловать в науку. Добро пожаловать в жизнь!”
ECG Dongle. Your way to eternal life
Inhale – exhale. Speed. I am speed. One winner, forty-two losers. The race is on. Let's go. No distractions, no...
Читать статьюHow to become immortal and not screw it up. Technical manual for beginning futurologists
The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only and categorically does not...
Читать статьюSpy for 99 francs
Dear entrepreneurs who have embarked on the intriguing game called "business," it's futile to think about how different you are...
Читать статьюHow a low-quality antivirus caused a global catastrophe in the computer world and turned its creator into a spy
How often have you found yourself in possession of a low-quality item? How often have you been disappointed by poorly...
Читать статьюHow students discovered a new way of stealing data using a regular keyboard
There once was a professor who enjoyed giving his students unusual tasks. Sometimes he would come to class and ask...
Читать статьюHow to become a spy and not screw it up
DISCLAIMER. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that the article is for informational purposes only and categorically does...
Читать статьюThings that can and do spy on you
The one that tops the list of things that could potentially spy on you is the crown of technological progress,...
Читать статьюOde to blockchain
“Ready! It’s finished! Hold it!” a man in a heavily wrinkled gray raincoat said out of breath and placed a...
Читать статьюQuantum encryption Stakes in games with chaos
— Who are you, finally?— I am a part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good."Faust"...
Читать статьюHow to make the Cheshire Cat disappear first, then teleport back
One day, a renowned professor from the University of Birmingham entered the lecture hall, holding a copy of Lewis Carroll's...
Читать статьюHow to understand the humor of scientists so as not to screw it up. Weird science jokes with explanations
Many people are indifferent or disdainful of scientific humor. Science jokes seem incomprehensible because they often require special knowledge to...
Читать статьюDiveart. Eyes are blind. You need to search with your heart.
When an author creates his work, he dreams of being heard.When a viewer evaluates the author's work, he hopes that...
Читать статьюOde to Quantum Paradoxes
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for educational purposes only. We deeply admire...
Читать статьюHow to become a DJ and not screw it up
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only. We strongly recommend...
Читать статьюSecret of a song
A great mystery and a great story hide behind every ingenious invention, as well as behind every grandiose track. Did...
Читать статьюHow to burn billions of dollars in one night: the FTX collapse
The premise of this problem is very simple – you need to get rid of several billion dollars."What's so difficult...
Читать статьюHow marketers make you pay more: the art of pump and dump
In this problem, the life solution swapped places with the technical solution. One day, students at Newcastle University, aspiring to...
Читать статьюHow to be rich and not screw it up: the wealthy person’s guide
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is purely educational in nature and categorically do...
Читать статьюOde to DeFi: understanding the future of banking
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is written exclusively about the meeting of four...
Читать статьюOde to tetris: the true story behind the iconic game
The history of the creation of this invention resembles a real spy detective story, in which everything is mixed –...
Читать статьюInventions that came out of love: from washing machines to Dyson
At all times, love has inspired poets, artists and musicians to create their best works, encouraged great warriors to perform...
Читать статьюHow to invent a bicycle and not screw it up: tips and history
Instructions for those who dream of inventing a bicycle, but do not know where to start. Disclaimer. The editors of...
Читать статьюOde to pickup: The art of seduction in the age of technology
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only and strongly advise...
Читать статьюHow to handle manipulators: Essential strategies for self-defense
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only and categorically do...
Читать статьюHow to become a chef and not screw up: Scientific and artistic recipes
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that this article is for informational purposes only and categorically do...
Читать статьюOde to food: A journey through the kitchen with curious mice
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine insist that the article is for informational purposes only and strongly advise...
Читать статьюOde to the mysterious: exploring the secrets of alchemy and dark matter
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology magazine categorically declare that this work is a satirical fantasy and should not...
Читать статьюКак сделать машину времени и не облажаться
Примечание. Статья сама себя не напишет. И у вас есть шанс в этом убедиться. Что если, где-то во Вселенной действительно...
Читать статьюОда переобувшимся изобретениям
Дисклеймер. Редакция журнала The Global Technology трепетно уважает любые изобретения и не менее трепетно относится к тем, кто их сотворил....
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