Афанасьева Ирина — Стражница Открытий
- Автор
- Писатель
Младший редактор научно-популярного издания The Global Technology
- Заядлый мечтатель и оптимист
- Главный почитатель изобретений
- Поёт песни, пишет стихи
- Может приголубить и пожалеть, но лучше не ссориться
“Наука для меня — это целая Вселенная, которая не спешит раскрывать свои секреты. Она — многоуровневый квест, где обжигаешься, ошибаешься, теряешь надежду, снова ее обретаешь, и, наконец, получаешь кайф. Я всегда знала, что я — писатель. И все равно это случилось неожиданно”
A synthesizer for quality chords and quality enjoyment
This article won't read itself, and a synthesizer won't assemble itself. Is it necessary to say that А synthesizer is...
Читать статьюTechnologies that Changed Music: from Primitive Drum to Digital Studio
Boom... boom... boom... An ancient man is beating a wooden barrel with a stick, striving to attract the attention of...
Читать статьюHow music stimulates hair growth and what the Northern Lights sing about
Storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes of neural connections accompanied by sparks and flashes in the head – this is how...
Читать статьюHow to solve the musical equation in 5 minutes
To understand the context of this problem, imagine the long-awaited evening after a typical workday in an ordinary family, when...
Читать статьюGames banks play: understanding the role and strategies of banks
Oh yes… Dreamers, adventurers of the financial world, and those about whom people say, "Genius, millionaire, philanthropist" – and those...
Читать статьюHow to prove a financial theorem with Decima
"The financial abyss is the deepest of all; one can be falling into it for a lifetime." The words of...
Читать статьюArtificial financial intelligence: the future of finance
"The most dangerous things in the world are cocaine and a salary. The most pleasant sounds are the rustling of...
Читать статьюWho invented these clocks? A journey through time
"Even a stopped clock shows the correct time twice a day. A clock that runs fast never does.” It seems...
Читать статьюHow to find a writer’s code: eyegaze technology for aspiring writers
Note. The editorial team of The Global Technology magazine strongly believes that an author truly becomes one in the moment...
Читать статьюThe Dark Side of Inventions: Frauds and Exposures
Science is the most important, beautiful, and necessary link in human life. It is essential for the people of any...
Читать статьюThe biography of the brain: A century of understanding our mind
“Since the brain is indeed a machine, our job is the same as with any other machine: to take it...
Читать статьюIQ test: The untold story behind the famous intelligence test
Our world is a vast ocean of mysteries and enigmatic phenomena. Humanity has always sought to understand, study, conquer, and...
Читать статьюHow not to become obsessed with healthy living
Sometimes we hear the phrase, “I’m so tired of this fleeting life.” And right away, we get a series of...
Читать статьюThe fashion for food: When eating became a trend
"Food is a necessity, but sensible eating is an art." François de La Rochefoucauld At the beginning of the 20th century,...
Читать статьюThe evolution of food: From early humans to space cuisine
Dear readers, we have reached an era where a simple question like “What’s for dinner?” has turned into a real...
Читать статьюHow the brain turns food into pleasure: The science of neurogastronomy
Programmed for pleasure:We live in a world where there are more addictions than can be counted. Who would have thought...
Читать статьюHow to Create an Abundant Farm of the Future
The world of the future has arrived! Earth's population is rapidly growing, while resources for sustenance are becoming increasingly scarce....
Читать статьюHow not to become Dr. Frankenstein: the ethics of genetic modification
"We are approaching a point where we will be able to create people who, in some sense, will be objectively...
Читать статьюA look into the dark depths of possession: science behind the supernatural
Note: The editorial team of The Global Technology firmly insists that this article is not intended to scare readers or...
Читать статьюThe scientific past of mythical creatures: witches, vampires, and werewolves
One autumn evening, when the lazy moon decided to share its light with the heavenly water, all the Halloween heroes...
Читать статьюКак найти и приручить тотемного единорога
В небольшом городе, где технологии переплетаются с природой, жители начали замечать необычные вещи: каждый раз, когда кто-то решал трудную задачу...
Читать статьюПод климатическим прицелом
«...И разверзлись все источники великой бездны, и окна небесные отворились; и лился на землю дождь сорок дней и сорок ночей»....
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