Modern thinking vs. systematic thinking: a race where everyone lost

Published: 2024-12-28
Author: Diana Pospelova
Time to read: ~6 minutes

“Racing is life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting.”
                                                Steve McQueen

Dear readers, the moment has arrived! Welcome to the final race of the World Rally Championship 2024. Today, two legends of modern times face off on the racetrack: Clip Thinking and Systematic Thinking. The charismatic and daring favorite of the youth, who despises everything except TikTok and YouTube Shorts, takes on the race in a bright yellow Lamborghini. His rival, Systematic Thinking, sits proudly behind the wheel of a dark blue Porsche.

The cars have lined up at the starting line, their engines roaring, while the drivers grip their steering wheels tightly, preparing for the most important race of the year. The signal sounds, and both cars launch forward simultaneously.

For those just tuning in to the live broadcast, let’s introduce the main contenders in this race.

We’re Not Here to Entertain Anyone

Clip Thinking — a young and charming pilot — is a newcomer in life’s race. One might say he was born when life’s pace became more dynamic. He grabs information on the fly and thrives in a multitasking mode. In his interviews, he often says that the world is a collection of vivid pictures by which he measures everything around him. A true trendsetter and expert on the latest fads, he dabbles in virtually every field of life. He dislikes spending too much time on any one thing, arguing that life is short and it’s not worth depriving oneself of pleasures.

A distant relative of Clip Thinking is sociologist Alvin Toffler, who, with the advent of widespread television and the internet, coined the concept of “clip culture.” In the 1980s, Europe experienced a major shift in thinking due to an abundance of video clips and advertisements broadcast everywhere. The demand for new emotional art was so great that some researchers began wondering: why not offer information to consumers in a simplified format?

For Toffler’s descendant, Clip Thinking, speed matters most, not quality. Living in a world where information practically devours bright minds, this race’s hero absorbs everything indiscriminately, clinging only to fragments from the internet. For him, this is enough to sustain a conversation on any topic. However, he can only hold a conversation until the other party starts using academic or even basic school knowledge — in which case, the ambitious pilot often faces failure, as confirmed in numerous interviews.

His rival on the track is Systematic Thinking, whose fanbase consists of people of proven resilience. The age of his admirers reflects the fact that he himself is much older than Clip Thinking. Systematic Thinking lived in an era when people had to gather information piece by piece — talking to fellow seekers of knowledge, spending entire days in libraries, reading news in newspapers, enjoying quality films, and braving cold queues for opera tickets to hear their favorite composers.

Systematic Thinking is a serious thinker and strategist. He enjoys researching and diving deep, dedicating himself fully to his passions. He is indifferent to anything superficial and uninterested in modern youth trends, preferring serious full-length films or lengthy documentary podcasts on topics of interest. He cannot tolerate the informational noise that bombards him from all sides, believing there’s no sense in plunging his metaphorical dipstick into everything.

For Systematic Thinking, meticulous analysis is the foundation of everything. Perhaps this is why he made it to the final race of the World Rally Championship, defeating all competitors plagued by distraction and rapid attention shifts — qualities unacceptable in racing.

Don’t Say Too Much

The First Lap Is Complete. The dark blue Porsche pulls ahead. Systematic Thinking perfectly navigates the final turn, thanks to its concentration. Fans praise its key strengths: the ability to understand connections between objects, phenomena, and events, as well as its talent for viewing them holistically. Its well-developed logic simplifies complex systems by breaking them into components, while its analytical mind identifies global patterns and reveals the most hidden aspects of any matter or phenomenon of interest.

But look! Systematic Thinking is suddenly losing speed. There seems to be an issue with its car! Clip Thinking in the Lamborghini instantly takes advantage, rapidly closing the gap.

While the specialists are changing the tires on the dark blue Porsche, snippets of interviews with Systematic Thinking appear on the race’s big screen. It has admitted several times that it struggles with certain disadvantages in today’s fast-paced world. For instance, its tendency toward detachment and its lengthy analysis of situations often cost it valuable time, which can be limited. Additionally, it avoids unnecessary risks, which sometimes causes it to miss opportunities and chances.

Meanwhile, Clip Thinking races ahead, starting the second lap of three. Unlike Systematic Thinking, it looks very relaxed. Loud music plays in the Lamborghini’s cabin, and it sings along enthusiastically while simultaneously recording short videos for messaging apps with one hand. Its agility and multitasking abilities are definite advantages in life’s race. Clip Thinking is creative, willing to take risks, adaptable to a fast-changing environment, and highly communicative, making it a favorite among fans.

Systematic Thinking, with its tires replaced, quickly gets back on the track, attempting to close the gap. At first glance, it seems to have no chance of catching up or pulling ahead. However, we suddenly see Clip Thinking make a critical mistake — it nearly skids off the track, managing to brake at the very last moment.

It seems that once again, Clip Thinking’s love for juggling too many tasks at once has backfired. Experts have often noted its weaknesses: low concentration, a lack of critical analysis, diminished empathy, susceptibility to manipulation, and constant exposure to informational clutter. By absorbing everything indiscriminately, its brain struggles to process reality adequately.

Yes… Many great racers have fallen out of life’s competition because they lost their ability to discern where the curve begins, where to slow down, and where fiction ends and reality begins.

Victory Belongs to Those Who Refuse to Lose

At this very moment, Systematic Thinking begins the third lap. Clip Thinking, recovering from its earlier mishap, gets back into the race. Slamming the gas pedal to the floor, it rapidly closes the gap and, within seconds, catches up to the Porsche.

Now, the leaders of life’s race are neck and neck, neither willing to concede victory. Clip Thinking pulls half a car length ahead of Systematic Thinking but faces new problems: sparks shoot from its worn tires after two laps, and the wheels lose their grip, making Clip Thinking visibly anxious.

There’s no time for a pit stop — the finish line is just ahead. Encouraged by its fans chanting its name from the grandstands and posting every move on social media, Clip Thinking decides to take the risk. It pushes the gas pedal to the limit and turns the wheel sharply to navigate the final corner. The car skids, giving Systematic Thinking a huge advantage heading into the finish.

Realizing there’s no chance of winning, the bright yellow Lamborghini exits the race prematurely. Clip Thinking pulls out headphones, pops them into its ears, and starts listening to a podcast about poisonous mushrooms while simultaneously playing League of Legends and checking currency exchange rates. Multitasking at its finest… Clip Thinking leaves the track without so much as a glance at the audience or its fans.

Meanwhile, Systematic Thinking crosses the finish line and becomes the rally’s champion. The organizers proudly present it with the The Wall Global Rally 2024 trophy and escort the driver to the podium. After thanking the organizers and its supporters, Systematic Thinking takes pictures with all who ask and then heads to the reporters to share the secrets of its success.

“I’m not interested in winning by a second. I want to win by ten minutes.”

This concludes our live broadcast from the event. Thank you to every reader for your interest. This race was thrilling and unique — it reminded us all that, despite the fast-paced, ever-evolving world offering endless new ways to consume information, we must stay adaptable, think systematically, and not mix up the pedals.

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