Interview with Sergey Petrov: Innovator and Expert Chairman

Published: 2024-07-27
Author: Gerda Ponzel
Time to read: ~32 minutes

100 million years ago, petrified resin of the oldest coniferous trees, which then grew in large quantities on Earth, fell into the water, and this is how a solar stone was born, with amazing, miraculous and even paradoxical properties, which people began to call “Amber”.

The path of amber has always been shrouded in secrets and mysteries; everyone who touched it found something of their own in it.

The editors of The Global Technology Magazine decided to find out: what healing properties amber has, why this stone has a contradictory and capricious character, what secrets Amber Science hides from us, what is behind the secret of the Amber Room, and when amber will finally fly into space.

We conducted this interview in the Craft Settlement, among Amber stained glass windows, archival documents, carefully sculpted bas-reliefs and warm, welcoming amber, carefully placed in amber bowls.

And the editors’ questions were answered by the Chairman of the Expert Council Association of the Center for Scientific and Technological Research of Amber (CNTI of Yantar), Innovative Scientist, Heir to Savkevich’s funds, Head of the country’s first small innovative enterprise “Craft Settlement” and Public figure – Sergey Viktorovich Petrov.

— Sergey, hello. Let’s start from the very beginning: how did your path in science begin?

— In my humorous autobiography it is written that Sergei Viktorovich Petrov is the son of a sailor and a medical worker who were immigrants and came to the Kaliningrad region. It was my parents who laid, like Kant has it, some foundations and principles by which I now live. My father used to go to the sea, my mother was a doctor, she had three jobs, so I was left to my own devices and lived in romantic forms: on the one hand I was the man in the house, on the other hand I was an absolutely free child who could climb anywhere, into any place. Therefore, most likely my science began in a garbage dump.

— Pardon?

—  Yes, yes, I understand how it sounds. We climbed through military trash heaps, crashed planes, tore out radio components from there and, therefore, the pinnacle of our aspiration was a radio club for children. It was very advanced back then. In the radio club we made such devices, drones and other systems that most likely are not made now. In one of the garbage dumps at the Kutuzov station, where the planes were parked, our entire group of boys decided: some became bandits, others became deputies, and others became scientists. This is roughly the direction.

But if we talk seriously, in order for me to get into the radio club, I first had to enroll in a dance club. For my mother, I went to a dance club, and after the girls, I went to the third floor of the City Military Technicians Station, where there was a transmitting center on the roof, where we downloaded all communications.

— So, it turns out, that is how dreams come true through girls.

— Of course, first dancing, and then science. I will say that the radio club gave me a lot. Because, firstly, we had excellent equipment, it was military, real. Across the road we had the Higher Military Engineering and Navigation School. Of course, we climbed everything possible there, because for us it was a landmark. This is how my first desires for science began.

— And when did your first desire for amber begin, Sergei?

— That’s a different story. Once again, what was the height of perfection for me was radio work. Imagine, a boy has a map of the whole world hanging on his wall, with the flags stuck into it which belong to his dad, who sails across all continents. My father was the head of a radio station, so, relatively speaking, I breathed that world, those possibilities, that space, that equipment. It seemed to me that that was the ultimate dream… Amber appeared later, probably closer to the second academic year.

The fact is that my younger brother took up amber even before me and one day he brought us a bag of that amber. Honestly, like every Kaliningrader, I wanted to drill a hole in the yellow little stone, somehow process it, and develop a technology. Well, then, already in my third academic year, actually immediately after college, I was sent to the Kaliningrad Amber Plant, where we were engaged in defense work in closed workshops. Therefore, I clearly understood that all thщse amber earrings are not jewelry: they will fly into space, they will be used in special equipment. And therefore, of course, the level of attitude towards amber was completely different than towards jewelry.

But it was 1992, when, relatively speaking, the Soviet Union had already begun to collapse, and therefore the laboratories were later closed. Then I had to work with amber by myself, but by inertia.

— Sergey, Kaliningrad itself, the city in which you were born and continue to work, is often called a certain place of power with special people and special energy. How do you think this special place has influenced your life?

— We grew up, of course, more on war than on technology. We knew it and felt it through our boyish perception. We freely climbed through all the forts, where we found machine guns, grenades and other military paraphernalia. We lost many children even in childhood.
With age, of course, everything changes and now I can say that the power of place that you talk about really affects a person. We felt this, probably, at a more mature age.

— Why?

— When you are young, you think that your dissertation or your developments can change the world, and can practically make a breakthrough that will make the whole world happy. One can only dream about this when one is young. And over time, when you have already completed the philosophical circle, when, relatively speaking, you have already received maximum knowledge from your teachers, when you yourself, in general, are a mature person, you think completely differently.

We tell tourists who visit our museum that everything is not accidental, and being here in the former Königsberg, you are in an anomalous zone. Even Alexey Fridman, a Soviet and Russian scientist, a specialist in the field of astrophysics and physics of gravitational systems, has repeatedly provided evidence that Kaliningrad is truly an anomalous territory. And it is no coincidence that amber was born here. It is no coincidence that geomagnetics originated here. It is no coincidence that all the amber routes passed and began here. And that is why, of course, we eventually came to amber as, perhaps, the peak of our capabilities… Or to the meaning of life, one might say.

— Sergei, we know that you are the heir to all the works of the outstanding scientist Svyatoslav Savkevich. Please tell us about this legendary academician.

— Oh, Svyatoslav Savkevich was an amazing person. His path is the path of a man who came to amber also in his own way. He was a geologist and had nothing to do with amber. Do you know that he was a Serb from the same village where Tesla was born? In fact, this outstanding scientist was a man from that place of power that gave birth to two unique personalities.

Svyatoslav Savkevich spoke 17 languages, his ancestors were the founders of the Russian Byzantine Church and under Alexander the First they were given entire lands – the Vilnius region and others. The main thing is different. Svyatoslav Savkevich was a graduate of a mining university, and after graduation, he searched for diamonds for the country all over the world. He actually worked on all expeditions to find diamonds, not only in Russia, Africa and North America. While mining the diamond fund, he actually collected associated rocks, where he found amber everywhere. Therefore, Savkevich’s merit is that, thanks to the USSR, thanks to the Soviet science, he was able to collect the largest collection of amber deposits, which now does not exist anywhere in the world, because it is impossible to repeat such a path.

When, on one of the expeditions, he came under a nuclear attack, he fell ill, the radiation ate his head, and he had brain cancer. And from that moment his communication with amber began. He was written off from all geological expeditions, and his only means of survival was amber. He found an old recipe from his grandmother, who lived in the Vilnius region, and decided to experience the healing properties of solar electrons for himself.

Amber really saved him and the academician lived another 40 years and became the world amber leader, because he thoroughly studied amber like a real scientist. All fundamental dissertations, all leading patents belong to the Soviet side and were developed by Savkevich, we still use this system.

By the way, Svyatoslav Savkevich was the person who created Amber museums, not just one, but several – both in Palanga and Kaliningrad. All the world’s museums were opened under the auspices of Savkevich. Even foreigners proposed to name the Kaliningrad Amber Museum in his honor, but our structures refused to do so.
Now we, as the heirs of his collection of funds, continue the work of Savkevich.

— It turns out that before the Soviet Union there was no development or research of amber, was there?

— Why not? Here we have four powerful leaders. One of them is Alexander Tschirch who was a German botanist-anatomist, pharmacologist, professor of pharmacognosy in Bern. He was the first to discover succinic acid and describe it.

Amber has been studied and continues to be studied by American scientists, Czech scientists, and Japanese scientists. But if we are talking about Baltic amber, specifically about ours, relatively speaking, about the Königsberg succinite deposit, then Savkevich’s merit is that he collected all the primary sources and, moreover, he created a bibliography – 260 volumes of descriptions of amber. And his knowledge was also based on the previous centuries of the German classical school and the Japanese school. Therefore, I repeat once again that we are just continuers for today, but it is quite possible that we will also make some discoveries.

— Walking around Kaliningrad, you can see in different places the sale of amber, amber-based cosmetics and even amber elixirs. Local residents understand that everything that is sold on the streets has nothing to do with amber. As a scientist, aren’t you offended to see such a mass-market approach to the use of natural stone?

— Well, in fact, for Kaliningrad residents this is a traditional approach. And what’s more, we have just conducted a survey among young people, and more than half, about 70%, treat amber with disdain. This is a very bad indicator. Why? Because if you take Lithuania, the same Baltic states, then, relatively speaking, they have amber flowing in their blood. It starts from childhood. The love for amber begins from childhood – these are songs, these are legends, these are dreams. The dreams of these people pass through amber.

And this, probably, is the very identification that we always talk about. The identification of the Balts lies precisely in the fact that they connect part of their lives with amber. Unfortunately, the situation is different for Kaliningrad residents. Most of the people who came here are migrants. We got amber, relatively speaking, as a result of the Great Patriotic War, as a trophy. Until 1992, the local population did not have access to amber as such, I mean that we could freely collect amber while walking along the seashore, but there were no events and exhibitions that are now taking place, there were no forums – amber was a closed topic of export position. Amber was handled by a closed military enterprise.

Moreover, Kaliningrad residents have acquired such a stable image that amber is a means of material well-being, instead of considering amber as an element of identifying a place of culture.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that in the presidential program a decision was made to transfer amber to the area of ​​state control in order, relatively speaking, to take away this resource from the unreasonable local aborigines, since we could not cope with it. Today, unfortunately, Kaliningrad and Kaliningraders, precisely because of this position, have lost amber in general. Opportunities to access it. This is the punishment.

— Sergey, you say that in other Baltic countries the attitude towards amber is different. Are they studying amber?

— If you open the textbook of any Lithuanian schoolchild, you will see that in the natural history section half of the text talks about amber. And everywhere there is ancient culture, rituals, lighting, wedding procedures, and songs. 16 songs are dedicated to amber rituals. The word gintaris itself means “healing”. They have this basis. Latvians have dzintars, and Lithuanians have gintaras. That is, these peoples perceive amber correctly and know much more about it. We have been to Kazyukas several times – this is a national holiday that takes place in Lithuania, where 6 kilometers are occupied only by artisans!

Or when exhibitions take place in Poland, where 60 thousand manufacturers come out with different traditions, products, and all kinds of directions. This is probably the true attitude towards the material, and it differs very sharply from our Russian one. What we are missing is what they are now trying to call “branding”.
There is no need to make a brand out of amber, it needs to be made part of the culture! But for this you need to try very hard – you need to understand amber, understand the culture, you need to comprehend its importance! It pains me to say this, but for us, Kaliningraders, if we don’t do this, no fashion shows, no creative investments, no IT technologies will help us promote Russian amber, we will always lose, because we do not rely on the power of these places and those traditions and opportunities that amber has.

— What was amber for the residents of Königsberg itself?

— When the indigenous residents of Königsberg were taken out of the region in 1946, they were given the opportunity to take 26 kilograms of things with them. And among the most valuable things was amber. That is, people could take gold and diamonds with them, but they took amber with them. And it saved many people who left this place.

— How?

— A small piece on the chest of this kind of amber, which people brought from their homeland, connected them forever with this place. This is the salt of our land.

Maybe it will take these kinds of changes and transitions for us to realize this. But  for now we are focusing more on scientific approaches and education – we have educational programs, there are career guidance programs, where we, little by little, through fairy tales, through legends, through objects, through work, and through hands, move on to understanding amber.

Well, with those who decide to connect their lives with science, we begin to study more serious things, such as electromagnetic radiation, planning and programming of interiors – these are already high technologies, which, in general, are also unknown abroad, but here is a paradox, they were known to ancient man. Just yesterday on an excursion I talked about how the information technologies of ancient people were still higher than ours.

— Could you give an example?

— Certainly! All the amulets that are kept in our collections are zoomorphs, images of the Mother and the Earth, that is, the most precious thing a person has. So, it turns out, according to archaeologists, ancient people simply recited words on this amulet, now this is called prayer, and this is actually a series of integrated sounds and codes. And then this amulet was thrown over the animal and it became frozen. If you want to consider yourself a modern person, try doing the same.

— It’s interesting…

— Or experiments with structured water. Everyone knows that amber does not dissolve in water, and all fairy tales about the dissolution of amber are all myths. But if you put amber in water and begin to influence it with generators, the water will begin to structure and interact with the amber, with its field, as a result of which it will completely change its properties. The water will acquire a different fluidity, it will have a different ORP, and it will have a completely different taste. But the most interesting thing is that when you drink this water, images of coniferous trees will appear in your genetic, genopathic memory. In fact, according to analyses, there are no pine needles in such water. This is all the result of such a structured change in its properties. Therefore, one of the properties of amber is its electrostatic properties. That’s why amber was called electron, and it was worth its weight in gold.

A cup made of amber, if poisoned wine is poured into it, will change its color. Therefore, amber was transported from here by caravans along amber routes. And the cost of amber was very high. Amber had a specifically practical meaning, it was never just a decoration: starting from a static spindle, to obtaining super golden fleece, clothing, and bowls like these. Plus, amber, thanks to its static properties, was excellent at fighting lice in human hair.
Any beauty of the Roman era would give any money to have some kind of device in her hair that could exterminate lice. So that she would not sit like a commoner next to Emperor Neuron scratching. That was the value! Beneficial features.

— Sergey, so what needs to happen for people to look at amber again with different eyes?

— It is human nature, the same thing happened in ancient times. Henri Farber was a veterinarian, but as soon as a new epidemic threatened to take the life of Albrecht the Great, he unlearned, used world knowledge and, using local resources, solved this issue by inventing amber lozenges. He made “magic amber pills”, which our children now make in class.

Please note that amber tablets against the plague were just as relevant as during the coronavirus. We proposed to many official authorities to use our fungicides instead of alcohol compounds, they laughed at us and the situation was quite complicated.

Therefore, due to these troubles, we managed to reach everyone, at least our friends, maternity hospitals and all others. Those who used our drugs in masks during coronavirus showed very good results in survival. Can you understand?

— Yes.

— Mother War and other disasters have always helped people in the process of awareness and progress. We always develop through difficulties.

Amber is older than humanity, and as soon as we have a difficult situation or we need to fly to Mars, then we turn to the experience of humanity, relatively speaking. And then we make these electrolysis installations, using ultra-light super-dielectrics. We make these nano-coatings from amber if society needs it. And, since regression is now underway, now the task is the opposite, to reduce the population, to roll us back a little further, much more than further. Therefore, amber is again positioned more as a decoration. It is turned into such an ornamental and decorative stone. Glass is made from it, it is boiled, steamed, and autoclaved. And they pass it off as an achievement. But in fact, this is the way back.

— Maybe amber cosmetics are the first steps in this direction?

— When 30 years ago our group from the Amber Institute began using amber in cosmetics, everyone laughed at us. Appealing to the fact that this is a far-fetched topic, it’s all fantasy.

— Did you and your colleagues try to introduce this technology 30 years ago?

— Literally 30 years ago it was. And therefore, when now we see the results of our work – when at the airport there are thousands of jars on which it is written: “for everything,” then this situation frightens us even more. Because there is a substitution and the concept of “amber” is turning into such a fetish, into a wrapper, and this is bad.

In Lithuania, for example, no one believes in amber cosmetics anymore, because in those basements where they used to do Thai massage, which had nothing to do with massage, they started making amber cosmetics.

We were able to make 3 projects in the Baltics that really work with good results, but they themselves are no longer able to contain the avalanche of fakes, imitation and duplication of pseudo amber projects.

Any aspiring entrepreneur starts by being a manufacturer of what he considers to be elite amber cosmetics. That is, manufacturers believe that by taking amber, grinding it, adding it to good cosmetics, and most importantly, to expensive packaging, they will get a new competitive super product that will work.

Therefore, unfortunately, everyone goes this way. Now the phrase “amber cosmetics” has become an established commercial brand. But, unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the real processes of healing and impact on the body.

— If you believe the sources, there is only 35 years of Baltic amber left.

— It was good in ancient times, because amber was expensive. Nowadays, amber is undervalued. The cost of a kilogram of amber is equal to the cost of a loaf of bread. This is an incommensurable thing. Bread can be restored, but amber is a non-renewable resource.

And the smallest amber has the same properties as the huge one – worth a million rubles. And therefore, now we see the true picture of consumption – Indians buy amber to burn corpses on them.

— And such a wasteful attitude will lead to no good.

— If we take Germany, at the beginning of the 20th-21st centuries, which was a monopoly and controlled prices, where there was an entire amber industry that controlled and regulated the entire market. Technologies came from Tibet, the Japanese and Chinese were then allies of Germany, and therefore most of the technologies that we have now just begun to repeat came from there, from Tibet. That is, the technology came from there, and Germany was responsible for the entire base, all the branding, and the entire economy.

And therefore, unfortunately, we have not yet reached even this level of the Königsberg Amber Manufactory, which everyone is talking about.

— Maybe that’s why they don’t want to restore it?

— Absolutely right. Because if the market is truly restored to the volume it was, then we will see the production of gas masks, capillary systems, equipment for blood transfusions, and the production of succinic acids and oils. We will see 90 percent of industrial products and only 5 percent of Reich jewelry. Now we have the opposite – 98 percent of jewelry. This is not the place of amber. He is older than humanity, it has a completely different task, and all our delights are unbearable for him.

— You have repeated it several times that amber is older than us, it is more than 400 years old. What would you say “thank you” to the amber for?

— In fact, amber, like people, is completely different. When we carried out research and measurements of torsion systems, we received a unique picture – there are as many stories as many ambers. One amber stone spreads warmth throughout the body, while the other evokes aggression and fear.

— Did you discover this by studying sensations, among other things?

— We discovered that if an ultraviolet photon in a certain range falls on a little amber, on its hydrocarbon lattice, it begins to jump wildly around the lattice and at the output comes out with a completely different frequency than at the input. That is, it was 320, but the output is 770. It turns out that amber, due to its structure, generates life.

This suggests that amber is a stone of life, it is alive. And its life lies in the fact that it actually converts one frequency into another due to its unique structure. No one can really explain how it is done, but it is expressed in sensations. That is, when you hold your hand over a certain type of amber, you feel the same warmth as in your mother’s womb.

It’s not for nothing that the 770 range is also called “rays of life”. This is the same frequency range with which the child communicates while with his mother.

Therefore, in answer to your question, I can say that the amber taught me that among these living and sunny stones there are unique samples just as there are unique people who give radiation similar to my mother’s. That is, my mother is no longer here, but you can only feel the hands and warmth of your mother by communicating with amber.

You can really read information into amber, we have seen it. Moreover, this frightened many scientists.

— Because this is not accepted in the scientific community.

— Absolutely right. What you cannot explain and what you cannot prove does not exist. Fortunately, now we have a completely different time and therefore I have no attachment to the academic system, so I allow myself some interdisciplinary digressions. Here is philosophy, here is physics, here is metaphysics.

I have a whole set of observations and we are recording this in our own separate archive, where there are reviews of the results of the impact of amber on children, on military personnel, on specific individuals, on their lives. We explore how people lived with amber. These observations allow us to say that amber really has a complex system; it is not a single object. It is completely different. The same as the diversity of the world. And therefore, we are just approaching the study of the material, the understanding of what amber is.

Physicists say that this is the simplest dielectric, but for some reason this dielectric behaves in an absolutely incomprehensible way – it lives depending on the sun and activity of the sun. Physicists cannot explain this. Chemists view amber as a hydrocarbon complex. Moreover, a complex set is not interesting for the chemical industry, because the chemical industry is interested in the synthesis of product renewal and guaranteed repeatability. Amber has a completely different story. Not a single ruler who owned amber was able to supply industrial processing of chemical amber. Why? It’s not profitable. You fill a bag of amber, and what comes out is different each time. That is, you need to make such material efforts to sort it, make it, create unique flows.

— This property of amber is really similar to the properties of a photon – they are all different.

— Amber, even from the point of view of how you perceive the world, is different. In looking at amber, in studying amber, everyone will find something of their own. But when there is an interdisciplinary perception of amber, when we discard our isms and forget that we are chemists, when things get bad in life and amber helps you, then you already become a philosopher.

— Do you have many such observations?

— I have plenty of such observations. We had about 800 children in the museum. 500 of them began to talk after communicating with amber.

— Is this really possible?

— We have a specific methodology that we are replicating. Here are these children’s rooms (shows). To a greater extent, this is a contact room in which we find mutual understanding between children and amber. Only.

— Sergey, it’s interesting how you popularize your knowledge. Are there places where scientists gather and talk about amber science?

— In 2016, we held an international conference on amber in the Kaliningrad region, where the entire advanced amber world presented reports related to the use of amber in medicine and cosmetology. This conference was supposed to answer one single question: “Does amber really heal or not?”

Experts arrived from the Riga Amber Museum, which has the richest exhibits of evidence-based medicine, used specifically in surgical equipment, the first blood transfusion devices. Lithuanians also brought their reports related to archaeological excavations.

There were Chinese reports, totem ones. How do the Chinese treat? They take amber, cut out the formula of the human liver totem and treat this liver through amber. This is an eastern, totemic system and none of the speakers had to prove anything. And only the Russian side was constantly receiving remarks: “Prove it, show it.”

— How did it all end?

— Most of the representatives of the Russian side at the conference have never worked with amber, they have never even touched amber. Those were local historians, archivists, and designers.

— Were you also present at this forum?

— We were not allowed into this forum. And, unfortunately, the resolution of this conference was that amber is not a medical remedy. In the understanding of today’s pharmacology, it is not a medical remedy, but belongs more to the parapsychological, homeopathic classes.

— Has science lost again?

— I was offended to hear that. Because if we had presented our report on these confirming products that we are now releasing, perhaps the picture would have been completely different. So we have to hold our lifelong conference and work in real time without conferences.

A whole book was published called “Using Amber. Historical experience.” Before its writing, global evidence-based work was carried out on how amber was used.

— Sergey, I see that you have Albert the Great’s recipes hanging on your wall…

— Yes, yes. Here is a recipe for removing parasites from the body, here is a recipe for opium, where succinic acid is used as an amplifier. This is lemonade, where succinic acid is an energy stimulant. And the elixir of immortality (shows).

— Excuse me, Sergey, if I’m not mistaken, the elixir of immortality is the pinnacle of alchemical technology. How are alchemy and amber connected?

— There are several levels of technology. The first level is manual, when you take a piece of amber, hit it with a hammer and give the finished craft to your girlfriend. Such skill also has its place. And at another, higher level, we have an alchemist. And when I give lectures, I talk about the fact that the alchemical level is now closer to people, despite its unprovability.

Alchemical technologies, unlike modern pharmacology and medicine, differ in that every alchemist has a god behind him.

— There is God behind every physicist.

— You are speaking correctly now. Nowadays, more and more physicists are talking about the divinity of the process, finally we recognize it and we are not ashamed of it. So, alchemy is the very situation when you are responsible for what you do to God.

Why do they always portray alchemists as half-crazed people torn to pieces by devilish forces? Because the alchemist constantly fluctuates between responsibilities.

If you pick up any alchemical device, you will notice that it has a lock inside. Inside this alchemical lock there is an engraving and a stamp. When they ask me: “Why is the engraving inside the lock needed?”, I answer: “God sees there.”

This speaks specifically about responsibility. Recently our Czech partners came to us; they have a whole street of alchemists there. In the Czech Republic there are entire Museums, there are entire societies of alchemists.

— Sergey, let’s once and for all destroy the myth about the magical component of alchemical experiments for our readers. As far as I know, alchemists use a clear Pythagorean system – coding, position, and place.

— In my understanding, alchemists are people who are not afraid to experiment, even when the experiments are not always successful and not always with good results. These are energizer people who, by the way, gave us most of the traditional recipes, colors and elements. Whatever you touch, the craft level is all alchemical experimentation.

Everything that contains the particle “Al” at the beginning of a word – alchemy, algebra, alambics – came into the world from Eastern traditions. It is the East that has always dealt with mental levels. This is the same metaphysics that works on subtle fields, that works at high frequencies, that can be ahead of time.

This level of knowledge is very serious, so I would not classify all alchemists as such crazy sorcerers. I will say more, alchemists kept any information and hid it from people, knowing full well that knowledge should not be universal. Some things cannot be told and shown to everyone, because this brings with it serious problems.

Even take an example of our activities – when we developed technologies  which lead to the fact that all small amber has now disappeared. It seemed to us that we would now advance this technology, but it has led to the fact that people have now simply lost even access to amber. Therefore, alchemy teaches us the following: always think about what you are doing.

— Now I can understand that it is really no coincidence that amber appeared here, on Königsberg soil.

— There really were a lot of people living here who were super intelligent. And the people of those times knew how to negotiate, to make sure that paths did not cross when it was not necessary. They were engaged in research, science, they had no time to argue for anything with each other. They even divided their flows, including energy flows – walking in a certain way created the energy of this city. There is the famous Königsberg Euler problem about seven bridges, which we know. That’s exactly what it’s talking about.

Residents of Königsberg tried not to intersect with other residents for many reasons. The ant world is structured exactly according to the same principle – ants also do something, go somewhere, but never intersect, and this has its own logic according to which you can live and work as a single organism. Likewise, Königsberg was a huge machine, with its own social structure, with its 60 kilometers of tunnels underground, but everything worked as a single organism. And the authority of all residents of East Prussia was untouchable.

Absolutely everyone who visited this region, without saying a word to each other, described it the same way: “Königsberg is a 300-kilometer circle. This is an object with special energy, where all energy paths are directed. This is how all roads lead to Rome, this is exactly how all energy roads lead here. And everyone will find something here – one comes here to move through the portals, another solves their financial issues, the third is looking for answers to all their questions.”

— Since we are talking about Königsberg, Sergei, finally reveal to us the secret of the Amber Room.

— Fine. Which one?

— Were there several of them?

— There were five of them. But few people know about this either.

The history of the creation of the amber room began with a woman. The prototype of the Amber Room was amber frames. One very rich Königsberg merchant fell in love with a young girl and, in order to attract her attention, he decided to give her something unusual that no one else had and set his sights on the royal stone. That is, he made amber frames so that she would look in the mirror and always be happy. But while he was realizing his idea, he died, but the frames remained.

And since, according to Prussian law, amber belonged to the king and was a state stone, those frames were accepted into the state treasury and remained there for a very long time. That was the first amber room.

Time passed and courtiers appeared who competed with the radiant French king in luxury, so the decision was made to pull those frames out of storage and do something for the interiors.

The restoration was carried out in Berlin, during which it was decided to use those paintings to make an office for a yacht, because all the kings were mainly military men. The size of such a room was sixty meters on an area of ​​only 16 square meters. This is how the second Amber Room appeared. It even stood for some time in Berlin, in Schloss Castle.

But everything changed when Polish jewelers took on this amber project under Frederick the Second. Three architects, the youngest of whom was only 18 years old.

The real Amber Room, as we understand it, appeared only in the time of Elizabeth, when Peter received a gift after his visit to Prussia. The room was presented to him disassembled in baskets.

And so they dragged it for almost six months across all of Russia to St. Petersburg and, naturally, lost half of those panels along the way. And the worst thing was that there was no one to install it.

And that’s why Peter the Great didn’t see the Amber Room.

— As well?

— At all. But the most interesting thing is that Hitler did not see it either. None of the rulers ever saw the Amber Room.

But in the process of its reconstruction, it changed its meaning. As I already said, only under Catherine did it acquire its significance. This happened because it was necessary to decorate the summer hall, the queen’s residence. And the Amber Room was supposed to demonstrate not love, not a warship, it was supposed to demonstrate the greatness and capabilities of the Russian Empire.

And therefore, from 18 square meters it turned into 160. It had to be diluted with modern technological design projects. Mirrors up to 6 meters were used there for the first time.

The room sparkled, it became 6-9 meters high, there was the latest completely new technology of mirrors. French technology of that time could make a maximum of 30 centimeter mirrors, and only for the Amber Room they began to make mirrors up to 6 meters for the first time.

And just imagine, the poor child, the architect who was responsible for those mirrors, broke one of them and was so frightened by the wrath of the Empress that he hanged himself. By the way, this is the tragedy of the Amber Rooms; they are constantly accompanied by death.

For the first time, the frames of the main Amber Room were diluted with Florentine mosaics – it was an allegory of the five senses. They were inserted directly into the frames instead of mirrors inside. At the top they made a portal completely painted on linden with gold – this is gold technology. Angels holding candlesticks, bronze casting, stacked parquet, and crystal. Candle lighting was even specially selected for this room. But most importantly, a Russian panel was laid there. And this panel was made by Russian craftsmen.

And since they did not have such amber, for the first time our craftsmen developed the pressing of amber, even before Spiller’s method. And the main part of this Russian amber panel was the image of a girl – this is the soul of the amber room. Each panel had its own main element hanging above it, and each panel had its own theme: nautical theme, fertility, harvest, plants.

— How did the Amber Room end up in the hands of the Germans?

— And now the reverse story. According to the 1941 archive, before the war, an audit of all historical objects was carried out, and, for some reason, Stalin allowed the Germans to create an inventory of the Amber Room. That is, all historical objects, including those from the Catherine Palace, were inventoried.

Reich Chancellor Rosenberg did this because he really wanted to create his own cultural fund – so he took away paintings and objects of historical heritage from Jews. So, during the siege of St. Petersburg, the Amber Room ended up there.

According to the inventory, it was supposed to be restored in 1941, but there was nothing to restore.

— Was it another accident?

— It turned out that the Amber Room was completely robbed by the Red Army.

— So was there no Amber Room in the Amber Room?

— Everything that was within reach of hands was covered with plaster and painted amber. Therefore, the Spanish brigade that came to take away the Amber Room received only the upper front panels.

Everything else was stolen by the Red Army soldiers, who visited the Amber Room as cultural enrichment and each stole a piece for themselves. Just like that.

— Reminds me of a real detective story.

— So the story of the real Amber Room began later, when this Amber Room was brought back to Prussia. The first thing they did was open a criminal case. Where did the amber go? You understand what they brought, don’t you?

— Tattered panels with no amber in them.

— Bingo! And the search began to find out where the amber went. Of course, the Germans were afraid to show Hitler the room in that way, and therefore brought it to the Kunsthalle. Here in Kaliningrad, near the Wrangel Tower, on the left there is an art storage facility with 4 floors. This is where the Amber Room was first assembled.

— Did anyone know about this then?

— No one knew. Chancellor Koch pretended to be renovating the Amber Room at the Royal Castle. And here the history of the German Amber Room began.

— What number room was that?

— The fourth. Koch spent two years restoring the Amber Room at his own expense and almost completed it. But he didn’t want to give it to Hitler just yet, so he put off transporting it to Berlin until the last minute under the guise of restoration at the Royal Castle.

When Russian troops began to advance, the room was again dismantled in the Royal Castle by candlelight. There is historical evidence of that – there are drawings of Americans who saw it and made sketches. And then it was pledged by an American bank for 260 million Reichsmarks for the construction of two tank divisions. That is, the Amber Room became the collateral of the American bank.

— What happened next?

— What happened next was what was supposed to happen. It was dismantled, loaded, and then they lost track of the Amber room. True, they had to pretend that it had burned down; specially hired workers even burned a couple of unnecessary empty boxes. The epic began, the confusion of the brain began, that it was taken somewhere.

— It was returned to those who it belonged to.

— And this is where the story of the Fifth Amber Room begins. In the year seventy-three, a family from Riga simply took and made a fragment of the Amber Room to prove to everyone that the Amber Room project could live. I know those people.

After this family connected to Academician Savkevich, collected some signatures that they needed, they began to implement the project.

Moreover, they were making the model of the room in the one to one scale – these are the huge Talmuds that I have now. The layouts were made on an old Era photocopier; the entire panel was laid out and detailed. First, everything was drawn, printed, and then sculpted from plasticine.

One chromatic photography project team was restoring and color matching. Another project team aged amber as if it were 300 years old.

This is what our institute did. In 1994, I joined the restoration work, which was completed in 2003. For 7 years I worked in the Amber Room in a design group, the chairman of this group was Academician Savkevich. Kedrinsky was the chief architect, Zhuravlev was one of the carvers. Domichev, Mezentsev are the main restorers, they are all my friends with whom we have worked for several years.

Therefore, the fifth Amber Room is ours, Russian, true, restored. And in all respects it is better than all the previous ones, because it truly reflects the greatness and power of Russian science and restoration masters. Everything there was made from Baltic amber.

This project was financed by the Russian side and the Germans also financed it, because they clearly understood that there was no point in looking for the amber room.

— Because according to assumptions, now it is with its owners…

— And if, God forbid, it is now returned disassembled, then you will have to pay.

— It’s surprising, but whenever the Amber Room was mentioned, the name Hitler came up. Many lived with such a memory.

— Hitler never saw it. He himself was deceived.

This is concrete archival material. And this is the opinion of specialists who work with the Amber Room. During the long nights, when we worked in an unheated hall, when no one needed the Amber Room, we did it because we understood perfectly well that there was no need to look for it. Everyone can already guess where it is and will announce it when it is beneficial. This is already a political moment.

And today the best and most authentic Amber Room is the one sculpted by the hands of the Anokhins. This is the uniqueness of the amber room – a Russian woman first felt it, made it in models, and our unique craftsmen brought it to life.

For 200 years, the Amber Room was dismantled, reassembled, transported from place to place, but we completed it in 17.

— Sergey, let’s talk about the future. What is the future for the wonderful sunstone with great potential?

— During the First World War, gas masks were all made from amber and the Japanese actively bought them. They were allies of Germany, and therefore were the main buyers. All exports went there.

And with this money, concentration camps, systems, clothing, BOSS, HUGOBOSS and everything else were built. Because there was a government order. That is, amber served as a bargaining chip, a stable currency.

Of course this is not the place for amber. If we talk about the future, now there are very interesting projects related to technological discoveries of ultra-light dielectrics and so on. Amber is probably the first material that flew into space. Historically. Now we will fly to Mars with amber, because we need high-capacity batteries. We need equipment that does not absorb radiation, amber does not absorb radiation.

All future aircraft are ultra-light, lightweight, and will all be made from the constituent hydrocarbons of amber. Can it be synthesized? Yes, it can. But it’s not necessary. There is amber. It is easier. Amber is the remedy that will save us, perhaps, from future infections like coronavirus, which we don’t even know yet.

Amber knows more than a person and its compound – fungicides – generally show unique abilities to cure incurable infections, viruses, fungi and everything else. Amber is the only material that contains a pheromone group that can make a person happy.

Amber has potential in life, but not in death.

Amber is a stone of life, beauty, love! But not wars, that’s for sure. Because the war destroys itself, but life goes on. That’s why amber lives with us. And it has much more experience than a person. There’s just more to come.

According to the Big Bang Theory, the Great Explosion of discoveries starts right now.

Thank you!


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