How to quit drinking and stay in control
Disclaimer. The editors of The Global Technology warn that drinking alcohol is bad for your health. We are committed to an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and believe that there is no shame in being teetotalers.
Everything in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation.
“‘You’re Chep’yuvin!’ I exclaimed. ‘How incompatible it is with your venerable age!’
‘Drink it,’ said the old man affectionately. ‘Otherwise you will offend me.’
‘And will you tell me the profanity?’
‘I will, I will. Just drink it. I’ll tell you everything.’”
The Unman / Kovrigin’s Chronicles by Vadim Shefner
You, Dear Reader, shouldn’t think that new, sober times have come, which have completely replaced the old, alcoholic times with boiled sausage on the coffee table and cheese of various molds. Alcohol accompanied the average person on every segment of life distance – Birthday, the first independent evening in the apartment, graduation, admission to an educational institution, getting a diploma, a trip to the sea, buying a car, all this was accepted to celebrate with a bang and alcohol. However, it was also customary that hot liquor accompanied failures too, which one could meet much more often on the path of life.
Alcoholism, lovingly called “drunkenness”, has become something like a modest parasite in the body – on the one hand, it can do harm, but on the other hand, how to do without it? It is always condemned in words, but not in deeds. A person who drinks is always easy to understand – he has worked too hard, he is tired, his heart is heavy or he is just such a companionable guy. A sober person, on the contrary, is always a suspicious type who sits in the corner with a sullen look and sniffs something out. Isn’t he ill with something hard to pronounce? There are so many temptations around – wines, ports, sparkling armagnacs, liqueurs mixed with cognac, but he only sips water without degrees, and glares. A provocateur.
In order to protect themselves from the frightening word “drunkenness”, people began to use a lot of synonyms: “to become enlightened”, “to work on expanding their self-awareness”, “to relax”, “to hit the bottle”, “to play litreball”, “to support the company”, “to show respect”, and even in general, “to gather as a club of fans of the philosophy of Dionysus”.
In some European countries, traditions associated with alcohol have been formed over centuries. For other countries, it took just a few decades to turn into the world’s drunkest nation. It has become almost impossible to force the citizens of a single state to limit themselves to a couple of glasses of red wine and a shot of cognac on a festive occasion.
It turns out that it is not so easy to get rid of the bottle yoke. But we still decided to go against the Green Snake and give you some tips on how to become a teetotaler and not screw it up.
Test One
Testing yourself with alcohol is much easier than testing yourself with abstinence. A beginning teetotaler should be prepared to be questioned about the true belief in a sober lifestyle by everyone for whom alcohol is a required element of friendship and respect.
If you are ready to say a firm “I don’t drink” to all entreaties to share the bottled paradise and are not afraid of disapproving looks in your direction, say “no”. If for some reason it’s important for you to be “your own man” at any party, there are a few elegant ways to be known as a drinking guru without taking a drop in your mouth.
Method one – show scientific competence
When you find yourself in a company that prefers foamy drinks, and next to you, as it happens, there is no bucket where you could discreetly pour the spilled slop, bravely put two hands around the glass, count to ten, and then bang this glass with all your might against the table so that the spray flew in all directions.

While the beer drinkers are grudgingly wiping the clear droplets off their mustaches, begin to lament: “I think we’re being disrespected here. Personally, I’ve come to taste cold beer, but instead they brought me an inarticulate warm muddle. You know why? Because the clear glass heats up the drink. Beer, of course, can be brought in an opaque mug with thick walls, but then we will never know what is in it. Who knows what mood the bartender is in? And then, how am I supposed to watch the bubbles? I’m about to tell you a terrible secret: no one can make it so that beer is always in a clear glass and at the same time always stays cold. What do you think all this Euclidean geometry is for? That’s what it’s for. Different summits are created, secret societies, and all to decide – which glass is more suitable for a bar glass. And only one scientist – physicist Claudio Pellegrini – a professor of thermal and hydrodynamic sciences approached the matter responsibly. He focused on the shape of the glass to determine the rate of heat transfer. After doing the calculations, Pellegrini found that the best shape was a glass with a small base and an upward expansion – a pilsner glass. The researcher noted that the really best result for keeping beer cool would be a small vessel with a volume of up to 350 milliliters, but in this case the whole sense of drinking is lost. In fact, it loses the whole sense. That’s it, there was a physicist and there is no physicist”.
As a rule, after such information all beer drinkers immediately put their mugs on the table, go with their heads into inventing new ways to consume the drink without hands and immediately forget about the presence of sober interlocutors near them. And this is exactly what you need.
Method two – play a smug gourmet
When you realize that you are trapped and you cannot avoid an alcohol marathon, take the most comfortable seat and order a gin on the rocks. Just ask that they bring you a glass with the drink and the ice separately. Once you’ve been served your drink, look at it in the light for a few minutes. Raise the glass up to look at the bottom, lower it down, and run your fingertip around the rim.
The color of the drink will not tell you anything about its quality or properties, but this absolutely useless activity looks very effective and will give out a philosopher in you.

Method three – start with foreplay
When a man sneaks up to you at a party with a glass of wine and with weathered lips offers to come to senses and share with him a heady pleasure, take a pause, look him in the eyes and firmly call him to settle down: “It’s not good, Brother. You are now suggesting that I should suck ethanol into my stomach, and then distill it straight to the liver, where it will oxidize into the toxic substance acetaldehyde (C₂H₄O), and then turn into acetic acid. And then all this alcoholic fraternity will give me a very unfriendly foreplay called C2H5OH+NAD+→CH3CHO+NADH+H+C₂H₅OH + NAD⁺ → CH₃CHO + NADH + H⁺, and maybe I prefer other foreplays, that’s why I’m puffing myself up with puerh. That’s not good, Brother.”

It is unlikely that the person who just a minute ago saw you as a reliable drinking buddy will understand a word of what you said, but just in case will decide to respect you.
Method four – play ahead of the game
If you realize that the event will definitely be attended by alcohol, find out what kinds of wines you will be offered. In a normal restaurant or café you’ll find them on the menu, at other table events you’ll find them in bags under the table. This way you will ensure that you have room for your next maneuver. Once the drink is in your glass, say with a sense of exceptional dignity, “I smell rhubarb. Rhubarb seeds are only available in the Calico Desert or from a Traveling Merchant for 150-1000 money. Hmmm… Reminds me of a wine from the Stardew Valley palette, but that’s not it.”

Your status at the event is clearly enhanced, so no one will pay attention to the degrees in your glass.
Method five – publicize the metaphysical connection
If you are late to the party and for this reason you are immediately offered to bend the elbow with a few penalty shots, do not get confused – look with condemnation at those who immediately begin to take large gulps of high-degree mixture. Play the connoisseur – bring the glass to your nose and tell everyone that you have caught the subtle aromas of spring grape fruits, garden carambola, tree resin, dubious notes of smokeless gunpowder or fragrant humus. Swirl your glass in your hands and then gaze intently through it at those around you. Then stop your glass in front of the face of your favorite interlocutor and say loudly, “Isn’t the metaphysical load too great?”.

In a few minutes your companions will recover from the shock and will realize that you have said something clever and drink a toast in your honor. If not, try doing the same thing, but louder. Not everyone is trained in filigree sobriety as well as you are, be indulgent.
Method six – become the emperor of Rome
If you realize that the people around you are pushing you right to the bottom of the glass with fermented liquid, it’s time to pretend to be a mysterious thing, even if you’re actually a sullen owl.
Take a lot of air into your lungs and give out unadorned, “Hear me, ancient Romans! Once you and I used to resemble some species of animals and birds, and consume fermented fruit in unlimited quantities, now we have the process of distillation – the process of evaporation of liquids with subsequent cooling and condensation of vapors. Oh, I remember those times. Back then alcohol was considered a luxury item and hard currency – in Mesopotamia you could build yourself a palace for a good pint of beer, and real wine was only available in monasteries! Let’s get back to history! Let’s throw off unnecessary robes, call psoglavs and remember how we used to lick tannins from wine barrels with a big wooden spoon, waving away wasps.”

After such a brief excursion into history they will not want to pour you any more, because they will decide that you have had enough.
The test of the laws of physics
It’s evening, all the day’s troubles, competitors, road signs and unspoken wishes to a picky boss are over, and a can of craft beer is languishing seductively in the fridge. How can you resist? Frozen brown water, covered with a thin crust of frost, insistently begs for your mouth. ‘Cool amber on a hot tongue’, ‘Bright present’, ‘Don’t miss it’, ‘Beer of easy mood’ – marketers have worked hard to leave you no choice and to draw you into the game called ‘Take just a sip’. You get sucked in. The game begins.
First, the heat hits you. That’s the law of diffusion taking effect, which distributes the alcohol throughout your body. It easily penetrates cell membranes, especially in the brain, where it affects neurons. Then there’s a nice buzz in the head and from there, the bad thoughts start to come out in rows. I wonder how they got there in the first place. Everything is actually good. We can thank the effect of GABA receptor inhibition for that. Alcohol increases the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which slows down neural signals, which is why thoughts become muted. This phase is commonly referred to as the “sleepy” phase.
We could have stopped there, but no. The anxiety is gone, the problems are gone, what could be a better reason for another sip? The game continues.
After biochemistry has had its fun with your brain, you put your body to physics, which is heavier. At first it will remind you about the law of conservation of inertia by the fact that it will be very hard for you to get the key into the keyhole, or you will carry the fork past your mouth a couple of times, or you will look for the right button on the remote control for a long time. Alcohol has dulled your thoughts and weakened your cerebellum, which is responsible for balance, so your coordination is gone.
After that, physics reminds of itself again and rewards you with a loss of balance. It is almost impossible to get up from a comfortable place and there is no reason to do so. Moreover, your face is already taken care of – it is welcomed by the salad. Don’t worry, it happens.
And physics goes away only when you courageously gather the rest of your strength, grab the only surviving thought, which in time reminds you of your dignity, and with cries: “I am a Man!” make a last attempt to stand up, but immediately fall to the floor. And what is there to be done? When gravity goes away, brain injuries tend to come.
You should quit this stupid game, but you don’t! The game is no longer played by your rules.
The speed of reflexes decreases, impulses between neurons are transmitted more slowly, causing sluggishness of movement and speech. Alcohol suppresses the activity of the central nervous system, which leads to a slower reaction to external stimuli, and you become trapped in your body.
You will then inevitably have to experience the Law of Osmosis, because alcohol will draw all the water from your cells into your bloodstream, causing dehydration. After that, acidity will begin to build up in the blood, which will bring on headaches and nausea.
You will inevitably experience resonance effects due to a slowed nervous system that affects the vibration of the vocal cords, making speech less clear and louder. Rash actions are waiting for you due to the fact that under the influence of alcohol the activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for self-control, is reduced. Your liver will remind you about its existence, which is able to process about 10 g of pure alcohol per hour, and you have already run 10 times 200 through it.
And if the liver does not remind you about it, then the traffic police will remind you, because you will suffer from a hangover for a long time.
Good game. The people who were around you are delighted – you made their evening! In gratitude for this they will long quote your picturesque expressions, invented when you let yourself out.
Photos in your phone will eloquently remind you about how you were exploited by all laws of physics, chemistry, biology, neurophysiology and sociology.
And common sense, which, for some reason, wanted to wake up right now, will silently reproachfully watch the whole picture.
One small can of beer has drawn you into its dubious nets. A date with alcohol is always a blind date, a chase for luck that always results in you losing.

The test of truth
A true teetotaler has a calm attitude toward alcohol and the people who consume it. He calmly walks past the alcohol section at the store and attends parties just for socializing. The novice teetotaler is sure to always have a reason to drink. And after all, how boring people around are! This one is a bore, that one is a fool, and that one is just a bastard. But once the magic drink gets inside, the world immediately begins to shine in different colors! The fool turns out to be a good guy with a hard fate, the bore becomes a philosopher, and the bastard shows himself as a naive boy from a country town, who you don’t mind teaching intelligence to. But let’s better talk about you. Now you become a philosopher yourself and realize that now you are finally being listened to. But this is not enough for you, so you take a higher stool, stand in a circle and begin to show yourself exorbitantly. Here it is, your finest hour! Dispersing boredom in this way, in a year or two you will have to drink even before climbing the coveted stool, but who cares?
Or there is a situation of uncertainty. How can you not have a drink? The future seems anxious and frightening, but literally two or three drinks, and you already feel better. To insult the boss? Oh, please. To kiss the unapproachable object of your passion? Easy. To talk first, to make a difficult decision, to loosen up and not to care about other people’s opinions – now you can do anything, at least for a while. In the morning you will feel bad, but you still resort to this tool more and more often. Anxiety is not a pleasant feeling, but soon you will be anxious for no reason at all, and this will mean that the alcohol trap has slammed shut.
Everyone around you is drinking and nothing bad happens – no hangovers in the morning, no shaky hands, no headaches. But we had a lot of fun at the party or the prom. You only drink purely to get in the mood, how else could you? Everybody drinks. Addiction doctors call it the most dangerous excuse, and if you do not accept the fact that you can not drink at all, then after a while you will find that in your life there is nothing but hangovers, unfulfilled plans destroyed by the bottle dream, and cirrhosis. Alcohol will work clearly here. It will indeed remove the things you once cared about from your life, and along with these things, all the interesting moments – walks, reading books, traveling, discovering, falling in love, shopping, joy and emotions – will be gone from your life too. But now it will be you who will remove these moments from your life.

Life rule of a teetotaler
Let fools remain fools, no one forces you to remake or retrain them. No one forces you to socialize with them.
Life rule of a teetotaler
It’s okay to be anxious about your future. Not being able to do something and worrying about something is also normal. You really will never become superhuman because you are an ordinary person and have to make mistakes. You’ll do fine.
Life rule of a teetotaler
The destructive emotion of shame in drinkers and non-drinkers is created in the same way – out of a desire to always do the right thing and to please the people who matter to you. And if that doesn’t happen, shame arises. So you walk through life, afraid of not living up to other people’s expectations, and when it gets hard and the psyche requires a powerful exhalation, you reach for alcohol, forgetting that shame is an imposed emotion. The people you dream of conforming to also make mistakes, they experience anxiety too and they sometimes feel the same discomfort just like you do. With your alcoholic swagger you will only make things worse, no one will take you seriously.

Life rule of a teetotaler
As strange as it may sound, but in the habit of reaching for a glass in any incomprehensible situation, there is no alcohol. Unless you have already reached the stage of physical dependence. You had some tense situation, you had a glass or two, you felt better, and you acquired the skill to deal with it like that. But instead of alcohol, it could have been anything, a glass of water, for example, or a song on repeat in your headphones. Yes, not as romantic as the splashing liquid in an unclouded glass, but no less effective.
The test of a party
On the way of future teetotalers can arise a lot of obstacles. For example, if the ubiquitous fermented drink still got into your mouth, and you do not like the state of alcoholic intoxication, it is better to become a teetotaler at once. You can do that, too.
Eat. Food slows down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, so alcohol intoxication comes more slowly. Eat fatty foods, it forms a “protective layer” in the stomach and prevents acidity from building up for a while. Eat an avocado, nuts, meat, a piece of fatty fish, bread with butter or cheese before the ethanol event and remember to eat during it.

Drink as much water as possible. Alcohol dehydrates the body, but if you alternate alcoholic drinks with water, you will reduce the load on the body and slow down intoxication. Coffee, on the other hand, is not something you should rely on. Caffeine may make you more alert, but it does not affect the speed of alcohol processing.
Don’t drink cocktails. Cocktails can be sweet, then the sugar contained in them will only accelerate the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream and increase the effect of intoxication. And also, mixing drinks with different strength, composition and raw material base increases the effect of alcohol and at the same time increases the load on the liver, which is sure to lead to deterioration of health.

In no case use alcoholic beverages together with energy drinks. Doing so, you simultaneously trigger in your body the processes of wakefulness and inhibition. The central nervous system and cardiovascular system will not thank you for this.
Move. Physical activity helps your body process alcohol faster, and fresh air makes you feel better. Dance, move, jump, crawl, take short walk breaks, or take long breaks for oxygen recovery.

The test of untouched pants
This is a test that all beginning teetotalers go through. Even such an insignificant detail, as untouched pants, can very much spoil the next morning, and even the rest of the future. To avoid unwanted consequences, your pants should always stay with you.
To keep your pants from falling down during noisy feasts, there are a few key laws of physics and mathematical principles to consider that will ensure that the garment stays on your body. Without these laws, the pants will inevitably slip down, and you will go straight into the tentacles of a green octopus, which is so eager to penetrate the smallest folds of your being.

In other words, you’ll have to learn a few laws to keep your pants on:
Law of Gravity (Newton)
The main reason why pants fall down is gravity pulling them down. Gravity acts on the mass of the pants, pulling them toward the center of the Earth. Pants can only be held up if there are counteracting forces.
In other words, put on a belt. Before your crusade for sobriety, put on pants a few sizes larger, pull them up to 20 centimeters above your waist, and tie them tightly with a belt. Tuck the loose part of the pants into your socks (the elastic band of the socks will keep them from sliding down) and be sure to wear sandals. Observance of this law also threatens you with the fact that your image will not fit in with the image of a decent drinking buddy, with whom people would like to share the pleasure of their favorite drink. The goal is achieved – you are sober with your pants on.

Law of Friction (Amontons-Coulomb Law)
Pants are held on your body by the friction between the fabric and your skin or underwear. If the coefficient of friction is insufficient (e.g., smooth fabric or slippery materials), the pants will slide down.
Before going to a party where alcohol is guaranteed, refrain from using silk pantaloons. Wear old, tested pants made of coarse material, in which while walking there will be something bubbling – whether a stray pebble, or a piece of dried clay from last year, which you still had no time to get out.

Elastic Deformation (Hooke’s Law)
Elastic elements of clothing, such as elastic bands on a belt or suspenders, work on the principle of elasticity. They stretch and create a force that will inevitably tend to return them to their original state. Without elasticity, holding pants would be impossible.
You have to be careful with suspenders. Everyone will be expecting suspenders from you, and after another drink, some sneaky groggy companion will decide to pull them. To ensure that your pants stay on with suspenders, tie the suspenders to a chair or a radiator.

Balance of Power (Static)
For pants to stay in place, the sum of all forces acting on them (gravity, friction, belt tension) must be in equilibrium. Violation of this equilibrium leads to slippage.
Don’t fidget. You, as a true teetotaler, will be seduced by famous singers, incendiary dances behind the bar, the game of a roly-poly toy, fair maidens and naughty young men, but you do not fidget. Know your business, sit quietly and follow all the points of our treatise on sobriety.

Hydrostatic pressure (When it comes to wet pants)
If pants get wet, the weight of the fabric increases, which increases the force with which they are going down and requires extra holding power.
Try to keep your pants dry or sit next to a hot radiator.

The test of hangover
A real teetotaler knows how hard it is to atone for drunken sins – do somersaults forward to make the hangover go away faster, rub your torso with lemon, cuttlefish saliva and loose black soil to relieve unnecessary swelling, drink coffee with cucumber brine and hot pepper to make your brain work faster. Especially since nothing good can come of it. Alcohol relaxes blood vessels, and all these experiments with physical activity, and even with elements of acrobatics, simply provoke the development of vascular crises, and if a person is ill, for example, hypertension, or angina pectoris, he can easily get a serious exacerbation.
There is no medical evidence that vitamin C in its pure form will help the liver to get rid of alcohol residues faster. A sober person knows that even loud conversations during a hangover syndrome can provoke an increase in intracranial pressure, so he will never put his ethyl-addicted companions at risk and advise them dubious methods of “folk” medicine.

In case you need to bring your party friends to their senses and set them on the true path of self-control, a hardened Soberman always has a ton of worldly wisdom and a few proven recipes at hand.
A recipe proven over the centuries
- Breathe in, breathe out
- Imagine the luminous sun having its sabantuy
- Clap your hands and praise the heavens
- Then chow down on a big plate of spaghetti with garlic and olive oil

It’s hard to say how the elongated pasta will absorb the excess alcohol in your system, but you might feel like an aristocrat in the morning for the first time in your life.
A recipe recommended by the Baltics
- Slowly make your way to the kitchen
- Drink a glass of water
- Then slowly make your way to the pantry, where a bowl of marinated pork sausages has been prepared in advance
- The prepared sausages and fresh onions should have been soaked in a mixture of vinegar, bay leaf, salt and other spices for about a week to make them spicy enough to help relieve a hangover

- When eating pickled wursts, you can shout “Žijeme!” and smooth your mustache
- You can, of course, shout other phrases, but with a Czech accent
A recipe for real cowboys
- Take courage
- Remove the rest of yesterday’s clothes and take them to the trash can
- Get a deep glass from the top shelf and get ready for a Bloody Mary:
- Pour tomato juice into the glass
- Add the mussel broth
- Stir and add the Worcester sauce

After a while, you’ll want fries with young brine cheese and spicy chicken wings with sweet gravy. You might want to put on your cowboy boots and ride a mustang. As luck may have it.
A recipe from the scientists
- You don’t have to invent anything
- Just go for a walk
- First, try chewing on dried cucumber grass (also called borage)
- Then switch to dry yeast and multivitamins
- Then take tolfenamic acid tablets

Scientists have proven that this particular prescription reduces symptoms of discomfort and anxiety, relieving nausea, thirst, dry mouth, tremors and irritability. But if you prefer rich broths and scrambled eggs and bacon, we won’t judge you.
A recipe praised by the Prussians
- Put on a vinyl disk with tracks from the ’60s
- Draw the curtains or dim the lights
- Make a fruit salad
- And get out a herring
- Make sure to eat it in small pieces to feel the mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids gently penetrate your liver to utilize the residual alcohol

You can also do the following – on a plate, put in layers: beets, carrots, potatoes, herring, then again potatoes, carrots and beets. But then it will be a New Year’s salad. And as you know, it is ridiculously awkward to celebrate New Year being sober.
The test of the morning
The hardcore teetotalers, as well as real drinkers, know that there is always tomorrow, and everyone is powerless facing this fact. The conversations that seemed unbearably important to you at the party just yesterday are fading away. The music, to which you were catching a complacent mood all evening, is silenced. The lights, which shone brighter than any sun and did not let you go to the sober world, are going out. And the fools remain fools.
A new tomorrow, in which you will have to look with “new” eyes into the eyes of old friends, to invent new apologies, new reasons for not having a drop in your mouth. And no matter how far you hide from this terrible tomorrow, it will still catch up with you. And that’s the hardest challenge of all.

You can’t sustain a nighttime free life and then live a quiet addictive life during the day. You can’t allow yourself alcohol, which destroys the body, and expect the body to function forever with minimal destruction. A candle that burns at both ends can certainly spread the brightest light, but the darkness that follows will be long lasting.
We’ve ventured beyond the boundaries of time and space. By the way, it’s empty there.
Thank you!