The Team and Contacts
Published: 2025-02-28
Time to read: ~1 minute
The magazine is owned by:
The Wall Global
Chief Editor:
Gerda Ponzel

Gerda Ponzel
Irina Afanaseva
Artem Rogozhin
Diana Pospelova
Ekaterina Grechina

Liliya Karmeeva

SEO Analyst:
Nikita Lukin
Website layout:
Ilyas Mustafin
Anton Tikhanin

Here we accept your feedback, suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism around the clock: [email protected]
Creative leaders, talents, nuggets and philosophers who want to order an article from us write here: [email protected]
And this is our corporate email: [email protected]

Linear-arithmetic synthesis is based on sound formation. We’ve synthesized the perfect formula of facts and interest.
Thank you!