Ehhhhh… I wish I could come home from the frost, and to the Christmas tree!
And with presents! And so that everything’s fine!
The editors of The Global Technology magazine have already taken care of everything and have put a lot of presents under the Christmas tree with only clear and only stunning future options.
Choose the best gift for you and open it. Or share the gifts with those you have not had time to congratulate. May we soon have a future where everyone is doing well!
Happy holidays!
And I will be healthy in the future!
There is no room for disease in me,
Cause all the doctors
Keep getting a new remedy.
The doctors have conquered diabetes,
They’ve conquered other diseases.
I’ll live for 200 years,
I’m gonna live two hundred years.
Now I’m full of forces like a man’s man,
I’ve cured prostatitis and gout.
So that when I’m 100 I can party like a young man,
And don’t drink Viagra that others have to think about.
And my love is also a beauty,
At 200 years old, she attracts men!
She doesn’t let me relax, my cutie,
She sprays serotonin time and again.
I’m not even afraid of death now!
Let the old woman with the scythe get resigned!
Even though my life has been sinful, anyhow,
A digital peace, that’s what I’ll find.
Flexible education and new career opportunities
Live forever and learn forever,
Fonvizin once commanded us.
My future is perfect, however,
My path in science is flawless
First I studied to be a lathe operator,
I wanted to be a poet after some time.
I’m taking an online course later,
I’m gonna make verses out of my rhyme.
And then I’ll want to be a doctor,
I’m going to pay attention to illnesses.
In an online course in the comfort of a blanket
I’ll learn the basics of what illness is.
And in humble fashion,
I’m going to study IT to be in compliance.
I’ll learn the secrets of programmers’ passion
So that I may enter their science.
And the money will flow to me!
And, for sure, on the beach
With my laptop, happy as can be
I’ll be able to work in peace
In my glorious future
I don’t need to go to the hospital.
To the cardiologist’s office
I don’t have to stand even a little.
I’ve got something in my pocket,
That always keeps me illness-free.
The cardio flash drive helps me
To read any ailment in me.
I often ask it the question:
“Is my heart beating well?”
It says: “It’s fine, Boss!”
Death is nothing to me now, I can tell!
How did I live without it?
Without this natural device?
I didn’t know anything about myself,
No heart rhythms, no vice.
I’ll give my parents this wonderful gadget
On some very special occasion,
Even to the cat that teases my dog,
I’ll give a flash drive with no persuasion.
We’ll always be healthy!
Will be high life goodness indicators!
Even cats and dogs and cows,
Honor the names of that flash drive creators.

There is inspiration in my future throughout,
There’s a place to draw it from.
I’ll go to the Wall without a doubt,
Only there a dreamer can I become.
From the Wall I’ll send a bow.
The Wall is where my accomplishments are.
I’ll save my bright impressions there now
For a better time afar.
I’ll leave my mark in this Space,
My grandchildren will see it when they come.
There may not be many of my victories to trace,
But there’s a lot of science in them.
Every inhabitant of this vast planet
Can appear there forever.
The simplest man can find all the answers
Just visiting the Wall, that’s clever.
On the Wall I’ll draw with goodwill
All my blue dreams, old and new,
They’ll come true, I know they will.
Maybe even you’ll come true.
In this Space, everyone I know
Will be creating safely and be friends.
We’ll leave palms on the Wall
That will make you want to live with no ends.

There are no trains in my future,
No airplanes, no cabs, you see.
I’m ready to learn teleportation!
And I’ll help you, just ask me.
There won’t be any traffic jams, no way!
I won’t need a tire shop or carport.
On any possible highway
I’ll be able to use teleport.
And of course, in the future I’ll never again
Have to say goodbye to my family with frustration.
When I feel a longing in my heart or brain
I’ll use teleportation.
I’ll teleport myself from India to Alaska,
In London I’ll see Old Royal Naval College,
I’ll teleport myself to Vena and Nebraska,
I’ll never die without knowledge.
I’ll praise those scientists forever
Who united the pulse and the photon
That made the road faster than ever.
The fear of all distances is gone!
But it’s all just a dream, I agree,
It’s only possible to transmit a “state”.
But soon you’ll be able to see
How we’re shortening the distance, just wait.
Quantum justice
In my future we have a very smart,
Quantum computer, it so happens!
Over others it’ll have a head start
And it’ll tear them all to atoms.
It’s still a mystery to me,
It’s still a mystery.
But trust me, friends,
With it will be sweet our life’s history.
It helped in medicine sphere,
It’s needed in science plans.
It’s got all the knowledge in the world, that’s clear.
Raise your hands!
I’ll buy one for myself,
I’ll put it in my bedroom, this awesome invention.
I love computers
More than I love attention.
It’ll protect my password
From bad people, that’s no paradox.
With it, I’ll be like a king
And won’t get any hard knocks.
So, I’ll have a lot of fun,
I’ll have a lot of fun with it and only good emotions.
With it, I’ll learn a lot of things
And even make some potions
For all colds and sore throats
And all possible sadnesses.
I’ll take you with me
To a world of happiness!
Smart advertising
In the future, not even a thing
I’ll ever have to choose for long.
I’ll have advertising to give me everything
And to tell me where I belong.
Let’s say, tomorrow I’ll go to Marcel,
I’ll Google map my route.
And the ads will tell me the hotel
Where they serve good brut
I’ll lie on my bed and out of boredom
I’ll surf all the social networks using wi-fi.
In no time the ads will pick up my mood,
And suggest the resorts of Altai.
If I suddenly feel lonely
With no one to warm my bed,
Advertising will understand all my desires
And to the nearest brothel will get me led.
Whether I’m a janitor or a minister at last,
Advertisement will tell me how my life to lead,
Because it’s getting smarter very fast!
So let’s be friends with it!
In my future, a telepath I’ll become!
There can’t be many of them!
To read minds as an outcome,
I’ll get a new program in my brain.
So that in the future my brain will improve
And be like a flash drive for 100 gigabytes,
A chip into my skin I will move
And open all my thoughts like websites.
Even if you’re flying high
Or you fall to the ground,
All your thoughts I will spy
Just by pretending to be playing around.
I’ll read everyone’s mind
And the one of the girl’s in the park.
I’ll be a success with this girl, it’s defined,
In my gut I can feel the spark.
But there’s only one worrying thing in my head:
How to hide her from my wife by all means?
How can I not think of her before I go to bed?
There’s no barrier for telepaths to go to dreams.
Space tourism
It’s the hundredth time I’ve read from sci-fi writers,
About far, far away worlds to be immersed.
I believe I’ll visit them in the future,
I’ll start with Mars first.
I’ll build a summer house on Mars,
I’ll grow cucumbers there, don’t worry.
Korolev and Gagarin are heroes,
To my stuffed cabbage they will hurry.
And on vacation I’ll fly
To deserted, dry Tatooine, I’ll take a gun.
I can smell victory of Jedi,
And now Padawan will be my son.
Let Master Yoda show him
A few defensive moves from fear,
But nature is what I’m interested in
With the water bodies here.
There’s plenty of things to keep me busy,
In the vastness of the universe in itself.
And I’ll know if there’s a boundary,
Of my essentially corruptible self.
Digital currency
In my future, bills are a disease,
In the future, virtual currency will come.
The dollar will never rise from its knees,
It’s only used by the train station bum.
I’ll trade my dollar for crypto,
Bitcoins are a better aim.
I’ll become a crypto trader
Gucci will be my second name.
I’m gonna make trades,
I’m gonna be a cryptocurrency elite.
I’m gonna live the good life
Like the Wolf of Wall Street
I’ll be giving my grandma
Firstclass martini.
And as for my euros,
I’ll give them to Aunt Zina.